It's June already? Seriously? 2014 is rifling by. In the fields where I walk the grasses are now waist-high, making it quite difficult to wade through. The puppy has even taken to looking for a clear path. We might have to decamp to the beach for unencumbered walks.
Meanwhile my son asked me: 'Mummy, if pillows were real, could they hear your dreams?' The idea of him musing this point melts my heart, wondering if his feather pillows were in fact full of his dreams, all mushed in together. He then picked me some fresh lavender from the garden so I could have it next to my bed. Oh, to be nine.
At thirteen, my daughter is going through a good patch. This is a welcome interlude after the struggles of this past many months. I wonder whether I have found it hard because it has coincided with my not working and so I have simply noticed more. But then I check myself and realise that no; regardless this transition from child to teenager has been fraught. I feel like I have caught up with myself now and can see it for what it is. But as a mother, it's been a shocker. I read this blog post which resonated hugely. You have to be on your toes with a teenager in the house; always ready to i) answer a tricky question, ii) make a decision on an activity that might not be entirely in your or her interests (sleepovers, parties, boys) or iii) drive her somewhere. Everything comes thick and fast. I am holding up, with a little help from my friends, and knowing everyone is in the same boat is comforting. And on Friday, I take her to see One Direction in concert! Yes, me and a gazillion screaming teenagers. Last time we saw them I actually thought I would have to leave and wait outside; I have never heard a noise like it in my life! But I rallied and in the end it was fine...
A friend mentioned the health benefits of one of these and now I WANT one. This is so typical me. Our house is littered with appliances and devices that should have rocked my world and now languish in cupboards. But this one just might be the one! I have a juicer but I hate the process and the mess. Apparently a Nutribullet is easy and has no mess and is super good for you (so much fibre!). Any thoughts?
Despite the calendar month, the sun has barely made an appearance so I hanging on to being able to one day wear a summer wardrobe. For now, it's still jeans jeans jeans.
I made a welcome return to yoga yesterday after being unwell. It felt amazing to get back. Good thoughts on getting fit are written here by my friend Simone.
I wanted to say thank you for all of the kind comments and wisdom you have left me lately. It never goes unheard and I always take each piece and think about it afterwards. Without knowing, you've got to know me.