I am having to get right back to basics at the moment, to try to regain some balance. These are the recent grounding things that have played a part in finding my peace of mind again...
Trying to turn things on their head.
Liberty print jeans.
Bike rides along the water.
Late afternoon country pub stops for beer and chips.
My eternally sweet puppy. He is so small and soft that people often ask if he is still a puppy - when actually now he is fully grown.
The kids having haircuts - it's them; only different! My son has always had long, curly foppish hair and when it's shorter his face shows more. Love that.
One Direction on constant loop - having a tween in the house...you have to embrace it. And I did, by going to the concert with thirty thousand other screaming tweens.
A box of my favourite wine arriving...Nautilus.
Jamie Oliver's 15 minute cookbook - looks divine, yet to see if it works! Family food at its best I am hoping.
Louise Hay affirmations - positively hippy-dippy but I will try anything. My husband now teases me and refers to this episode of 'Friends' with the goddesses and the lightning bearers. Isn't it amazing that there is an episode of Friends for virtually every life event there is?
The sun. Simple and pure. I've never appreciated it so much as now. Can NOT wait til summer.
Having stuff to do with friends. I need my friends right now.
Love and support.