I turned 40 yesterday! Despite all of my well-documented thoughts and worries about this milestone (thanks for bearing with me for the last few months!) I feel pretty good about it all now. As in: let's do this! I had the most lovely day; the sun shone, I saw friends and family. I was spoiled and given beautiful gifts. My best friend gave me a vintage leather-bound set of the entire works of Jane Austen, which is also 40 years old. Honestly I cried when I opened it - it was the most thoughtful, 'me' gift ever. I knew there was a reason why I made her my children's Godmother. There were flowers and surprises and kindnesses that are still making me smile today. And by the way, I don't look any different! Thank you too for all of your kind messages...blog friends are cool.
From the vantage point of my 40's I can say:
Things that used to worry me about my appearance no longer do.
I would not consider plastic surgery. This is an important decision as at this stage in life you either commit to the ageing process or try to allude it. The last few years of medical ailments has taught me that health does not equal beauty. You may have beauty but you may not have health. In all matters: health can trump beauty every day of the week and twice on Sundays.
The best thing I ever did was to marry someone who made me laugh and who I find, despite over twenty years of waking up with him, is still my love. This is no mean feat.
I worry way too much. I regret worrying as much as I do, but find I can't stop. I worry that I worry.
The last few years have been a path of discovery for me. I thought I knew myself at 35; not so. May the same apply over the next five or ten years. There is so much to learn and appreciate, I hope there's time enough.
When it comes to knitwear, I like grey the best.
I won't leave the house without foundation and concealer on; good skin is all.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: motherhood is a marathon and not a sprint.
My Mum is the coolest, most necessary grounding influence in my life. I know no one like her. She is utterly unique and has been the an incredible bedrock of support to me for my entire life. Even now, I rarely make a decision without her.
I may flirt with being a blonde, but I am a brunette at heart.
A combination of yoga and running gives the best fitness.
I should read more. Writers inspire me.
I spend too much money on clothes and shoes.
My daughter is a funnier version of me.
My son has a gentle heart and one day, I hope I'll have done a good enough job in teaching him how to be a man.
If in doubt, paint it white.
There is a book in me.
If it's wrapped in brown paper and string, I'll probably buy it.
Cherish friends.
Above all else, be kind.