So here we are at Friday again. After all of the celebrations I am now back to normal and it feels good. So pleased I am there now; 40 rocks. The next milestone will be when Boo becomes a teenager this May - hah, that is going to feel slightly odd; the mother of a teenager? Moi? Surely not.
I have been struck by how lucky I am in recent days; everything seems to have settled and I have had such an influx of love from friends and family in the form of gifts and celebrations that I am feeling like I have a glow of happy.
I have been interested to see the 'no makeup selfies' appearing on my Facebook feed in support of Cancer Research. Some of my friends look the same without make-up, some look so entirely different they are less recognisable. And not even in a bad way - but it shows how we can all hide behind the mask. I know I do too and as yet have not participated in this trend (should I be shame-faced to admit that?) I suspect that going without make up is a lot to do with how you feel about your skin. And I suppose the whole point is that all of the emotions we feel day to day about ourselves pale into insignificance when compared to facing cancer. If nothing else a lesson in self acceptance to go bare-faced.
Meanwhile, yesterday I met up with my lovely blog friend Amanda for unadulterated chats and coffee. We had such a easy morning together and I was struck (as I often am) at how positive blogging can be for women and what strong friendships can form. It's a much misunderstood thing amongst those who don't 'get' blogging but I can say that I have made a handful of friends through this pursuit whom I regard very highly. I suspect that many of my readers are aware of Amanda as she is an established blogger of an unusually high and consistent standard. I have always liked her openness and no-nonsense approach to life and to style; actually so rare to find in the fashion blogging community. So meeting up for real was a treat and we talked like we'd known each other for twenty years. Funny how that happens sometimes.
I am yearning for the weather to switch to Spring for real; it feels like it has been temporarily there but not for keeps. My keenness to ditch the winter wardrobe is growing. I have bought t-shirts in readiness. I am ready.
I am finding that I have an inertia in my day to day that I can only attribute to the end of season and to being a non-worker. I just can't seem to get things done. It is infuriating. I envy the busy people and have come to the reluctant conclusion that I am just not that type any more. I have slowed my pace to such an extent that I am now sloth-like. Although every day I tell myself that I will find time to read a book and every day I don't. What is this?! There has to be time to read...
What I would like is to glide from room to room in my house and not notice every little detail of what needs doing. This is what happens when you live in an OLD house; it never looks fully 'done'. There is always a compromise to the foot-thick, un-straight walls or the out-dated plumbing or the chill from the window frame draught. It's charming for sure but sometimes I long for that finished version of a home; minimal and 'done'. I fear my house will never be 'done'.
Oh and today we finally took down the Christmas lights from the porch - so good; that only took us three months ;-)
Happy weekend!