OK, so if I were honest I would say that yes, things have calmed down slightly. The grip of the school term has taken hold and we are back to 6.30am starts and a day defined by drop off and pick up. If I had ever known that school terms would become so utterly pivotal in my life, I would have considered home-schooling! I jest; I absolutely can not imagine home schooling my children and have enormous respect for any mother who does. Meanwhile...
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via a pair of pears |
I have been meaning to talk here about my business L'Apothecary and what has happened to it. Here is the Pinterest board where I logged my inspiration. If ever you pop across to the site where I sell what I make, you will find that it's in a holding pattern, much like an aeroplane about to land, but trying to navigate cross-winds.
I started L'Apothecary about a year and a half ago and it went through a trajectory that ranged from wanting so see my products on the shelves of luxury shops to everything and anything less than that heady pinnacle. Where it has ended up is that I have taken some time out, to decide to regroup or not. There are so many lessons to be learned from starting a small business I could write an essay on it. I ask myself sometimes if my taking time out from it represents a failure and moreover whether I should admit that here, on this blog.
You see, I write this blog without agenda. I don't crave fame or followers necessarily (although nice when they do arrive) but I did find that when I had a business associated with my blog, it injected a self-consciousness that I had never anticipated. I started to imagine every time I wrote something it had to come from the voice of a serious business woman who was 'building her brand' and was 'on message' to every reader; be they a beauty editor or a potential purchaser.
Then, in short, I decided to get over myself. The business was an extension of what I liked to do and that was making lovely, indulgent little bottles of oil that made people feel better. I still smile when people come to me and say they love the facial oils. I gave some as Christmas gifts and found that particularly in the depths of winter, the 'Original Oil' is loved! Of everything I made, it is the simplest, purest version and the one that I always use, still. So it's funny really - often the most straight-forward of products are the best. And that leads me to themes such as integrity and sticking to your guns and learning from your mistakes.
So that is where we are. Thoughts still overflow and I am still me and the days go by in a blur of mid-winter domesticity. Cooking, cleaning, dog walking, reading, writing. In no particular order! So we live and learn. If you want to try the oil, get in touch and I would be happy to do a bespoke order.