A week of slacking off. And so soon in January? Tsk. I blame the weather which is obstinately grey. Here is what's been on my mind this week:

Plans for our house are coming to fruition and instead of being excited I am hit with cold feet. Can I really face a six month (plus) building project?! I know I will love the finished outcome but the prospect of turning what was a set of farm cottages into one cohesive family house is daunting. We did knock though in the Autumn and having the space has been a revelation, but the next step is actually dealing with how the house flows (or at present, doesn't flow) from room to room. At the moment there are more nooks than you can imagine. Old houses = labour of love.

Where do all the emery boards go in my house? Nail file space/time continuum vortex?

Why does hair take so long to grow??!

I am in to white - if in doubt go with white. This applies most things.

I liked watching Boo go off for non-uniform day at school, resplendent in Aztec leggings, Vans and a 'Teenage Dirtbag' sweatshirt. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Last week I did some exercise every day; running, training. This week - not so much. Monday morning yoga set me up for the week but other than a long dog walk over the hills, I have done little. I've got the guilts about it - has that resolution ended already?

My relationship with skinny jeans endures. However - is it just me or is finding the right-fitting pair an enigma? They are either perfect on the leg but too big for the waist, or they are tight on the leg but right on the waist. I love them but have to mentally prepare myself for the discomfort each day. Am I going wrong? I have tried so many pairs it's not even funny anymore. Is this the deal with being nearly 40?

Did I mention I am nearly 40? Two months to go...

My son has been under the weather this week and so I have taken the tactical decision to keep him off school for a couple of days. I must say, the novelty of being able to make that choice without needing military-style manoeuvres to manage my work whilst he is sick is fantastic. I love not working. I love the freedom of being able to make the right parental decisions on the day. Rather than sending him to school in the full knowledge that they will call me by midday; but needing him to go to get a conference call out the way in the morning nevertheless. I have (shamefacedly) done this. It's the small things that matter.

I have got a new car. It's white. I like to pretend that i) I live in sunny California and ii) It is the 1980's.

This weekend we are going to the newly opened Wagamama (my fave food) with friends and chilling out; I think rain is forecast. Have a happy weekend.

TGIF... Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown