A small life in which I am influenced...

There are those in the world whose taste I trust. This is especially true in blog world, where I am brought up to date on what my favourite bloggers are liking. I was watching a Garance Doré 'Pardon My French' video where she and three other fashionista friends discussed how bloggers review fashion shows. Their comment was that bloggers represented the 'real' woman; the consumer. Do you find this to be true? There are some bloggers who slavishly feature the same brands over and over and I gotta say - I find that kinda dull. I like the wild card; the one who features something I have never even considered before, but know I would just love. This happened this week when my friend Simone wrote about Chelsea boots and low and behold I was just one click away from some fabulous neon-tinged autumnal boots that were just calling my name. Everything I had written about being 'Mrs Ordinary' were put to bed with the mere possibility of boots. Neon boots. This is what I love about blogs. So much more interactive than a magazine ever would be. So is it that bloggers represent the real woman? Not necessarily - but some do have a finger on the pulse and can deliver that shot of retail adrenaline juts when it is most needed. Fashion Epipen anyone?

I also like the small niche brands (as I was once one). Last summer, during school sports day, I looked around to find that of the five women who were standing near me, all were wearing one (or more) item of clothing from a particular brand. It was a defining moment in terms of recognising myself as part of a demographic. I don't want to be like everyone else. I am always looking for the different; the quirky. This is an incongruous pursuit given that when I choose clothes I am often drawn to classic, timeless styles. With resounding echoes I can hear my Mum saying as I grew up: 'you don't want to be like everyone else do you?' No.

I like brands from Denmark or France or Spain - and thank God every time I see that they ship worldwide. If there is one thing that makes me mad it's brands who limit their shipping or charge astronomic prices for it. Sigh.

Meanwhile it's Friday.

The builders are meant to be finishing this particular phase today and then will be off site for a few months. There is still a lot to do and I can hear them behind the wall working around each other, as there are about 5 trades there. The funny thing is that one end of the house will be done and then you enter a door and the rest of the house is its old, rather drab looking self. Ahh well, one day it will all even up. I can hardly believe that this stage of building has taken over three months! Always with builders: double the time, double the money.

When they properly vacate I will post a picture or two, whilst it's looking so clean and un-family-ed. They've used this little vintage salvaged radiator, around which they have built a boot room bench. I have come to the conclusion that being a carpenter is a like being a magician. They whittle amazing things out of bits of wood, it's been a pleasure this week to check progress every night and see a new cupboard or shelf appear.

Having harmonious surroundings makes me happy. As does a pair of neon boots on order.

Have a great weekend.

photograph by tania kindersley

A small life in which I am influenced... Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown