Where did all the calm go? Each morning my alarm goes off and I think: (in complete darkness; damn this midwinter) how can it be morning already? I only just closed my eyes.
I'm in a blog writing funk. You know when people say 'if you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all'? That is me. There is so much going on; even by my standards I am having simply too many thoughts right now. They are spilling over. It's partly that end-of-term fatigue of having done months of the school run. It's also Christmas - I love every droplet of festive magic but, my goodness there is so much to do. Add to the mix that we are going away to a sunny climate for Christmas (bikini body in December? err no) and hey presto - we have a full scale logistical operation on our hands.
I feel like things are up in the air. Family life has shifted on its axis in that inimitable way it does. One minute you're on top of everything, it's all running smoothly. Each family member is in their allotted groove. Then BOOM: no longer. It's nothing dreadful or life-changing but the last few weeks have been sufficient to ruffle my parental feathers and cause every waking moment to be spent pondering what to do. The old Louise negativity has arrived and I am trying to send it away. But there are only so many rousing quotes you can read before coming to the conclusion that sometimes life just gets tougher. It's a phase; got to ride it out.
I could update you on a gazillion other things; like the new checked trousers I bought when I had absolutely no intention of buying checked trousers. Or the fact that I had a whistle-stop evening trip to London last week, consisting of two epic train journeys and not much in between. It seems we do live in a backwater, considering the time it took to get to the big smoke. I loathe the train. On the daily dog walk I spent a good fifteen minutes wondering where in the woods I would sleep if I were Katniss from 'The Hunger Games' and I was forced to sleep outside! I know: WTF. Oh and by the way, I decided not to cut my hair. I have had my first pang of properly missing corporate life - this had to happen sooner or later - fifteen years of conditioning doesn't die overnight.
Forgive me a moment of bah humbug - but what is the deal with the media/advertising extravaganza of Christmas parties. Who goes to these parties? Who holds these parties? Is it just me or does the social calendar not consist of a plethora of amazing parties at which one must wear sparkles? Or red? I'm missing out...not one party invite on my horizon!
So you see? I would love to bring you Christmas cheer and happy mellow thoughts of calm but in fact nothing could be further than the truth. Hah.
Meanwhile, can I just ask something? For those of you who drop by and want to comment - what is your favourite blog in the whole world? Who posts a post and makes your heart sing? I need some new blogs to plunder and I am looking for inspiration...
I'll come back when I am in a better mood ;-)