So it seems, that a mere 70 miles from my rural idyll that the whole world is taking place in London! What a difference it makes to be able to drop in to city life, soak it up, then retreat when tired. By Sunday afternoon I felt like I had seen so many members of the Great British Public close up, I was relishing the prospect of some space. Such vibrancy though and it felt special to walk back through Knightsbridge as the evening drew in and see the (early) Christmas lights twinkling. To be in bars and restaurants in London was like a peep into another world; twenty-something, achingly cool people who all appeared to be having the time of their lives. I came away wondering how I missed out that phase - the-being-fabulous-and-in-London-in-my-twenties phase. Then I remembered that come 26 I was knee-deep in nappies and baby wipes. It strikes me therefore: now is my time instead.
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via happily grey |
And the people in London - yes they did look like they had stepped off a Pinterest style board. And lots were wearing mannish laced boots and felt fedora hats in aubergine or navy blue with long tousled hair down their backs. And yes there were many short, lovely leather jackets and no - in the end I didn't buy the Zara bargain - all sold out! I went to Skandium and felt like I had come home because it was just so Danish, like my Mum's house. We walked over 11 miles on Saturday (I know this because of my fitbit - still love it, still obsessed) and then went for a run in Kensington Gardens on Sunday morning. It was glorious to see so many people out on a chilly Sunday morning, with dogs and children, doing everything from Tai Chi to five-a-side football. London felt so immediate, so utterly different to my home life, where the pace is much slower.
I said in my last post that compared to New York, London was smaller (I did in fact use the word 'weeny' and have had to stop myself from going back and changing that descriptive! I am worried it will offend) I can confirm - I have found that London is in fact HUGE and VIBRANT and honestly, if ever you wanted a city that moves you, London is it. There you go, to certain readers I hope I have redeemed myself ;-)
My friend Sarah and I had the best ever hangover lunch; a Bloody Mary, grilled, super-salty halloumi, chips and a super food salad. Alfalfa anyone?
As ever getting away has given me a whole new perspective. I got home and needed to reintroduce myself to my house. I am at home so much these days that when I stay away, I return to see nuances in this old farmhouse that I didn't a few days ago. I opened the windows to the distinct chill this morning as I love that feeling of fresh, clean November. It's the contrasts in life that allow us to to enjoy it; the good then the bad, the hard and then the easy, the familiar and then the new. Happy Monday!