Stuff I like right now...

Walking. Until you own a dog, walking is a thing you do to get places or as a weekend pursuit when in need of fresh air. Now walking is a daily, obligatory thing. When I first got the pup I found this hard; but now it is so much a part of my day that honestly if I don't walk at least a couple of miles I feel really odd by the time the evening comes.

Doing six loads of laundry. All in one day and hanging it all outside to dry. No matter the season, this feels lovely. Especially the winter version where sheets are cold and dry, almost rigid with freshness.

Geek chic. I started wearing spectacles for real a few months ago and am so taken with being able to see properly that I just ordered another pair; exactly the same but tortoiseshell.

Radio. One day this week I did (I counted) fourteen trips from my house in a day. School, home, circuits, home, dog groomer drop off, home, collect dog and then home. Another appointment, home, school number 1, home, school number 2, home. I am trying to like being on my car, listening the radio, not wishing the time away. Sometimes it's hard! FOURTEEN!

Holidays. We are spending Christmas in Dubai with family - did I mention that?! So I am getting my head around the prospect of heat and sun and all that I loved about it before. So exciting to be doing something completely different this year.

Style. I like white shirts and well-placed glitter.

The season. I'm looking forward to watching 'Elf' on a Sunday afternoon soon, snuggled.

Luxe. I think these clutch bags are the bee's knees.

Apps. Right now, Snapchat is the best way to keep up with my daughter - an instant snapshot and one line of text. Great to know when she's arrived somewhere to show her something she might have missed when she's at school.

Thick hair. This conditioner was recommended to me; it gives thickened ends like I haven't had before. For that just-got-out-of-bed-but-in-a-good-way Brigitte Bardot type thickness.

No more dry. This rich winter cream for chapped places, even on excema. It's miracle stuff.

Warmth. I need a new winter coat - a once in every three or four years kind of purchase. I am torn between beauty and function. But I love the idea of being warm and cosy when I stand on the sideline watching my kids do sport all winter. Now which one?

The 'Swoop'. I was like Mary Poppins this week as I am the older, wiser sister in law. Sometimes when you need a hand you have to say so. And Natasha my sweet, sweet girl; this is for you:

Reunited. My husband coming home after ten days away in San Francisco. Friday night family meal, everyone where they should be: home.


Stuff I like right now... Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown