Without meaning to be, there are still testing times. I have a life that on paper looks perfect - and it is - but the fact is, trials still present themselves; they are just dressed differently than before. As I have given up the defined area of stress in my life (my job) I feel like I should therefore no longer have stress. I am finding though that stress lurks in expected places.
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Did you know that Christmas Eve is only six weeks away? Whaaaa?! This seems like an unfeasibly short amount of time for me to get my s**t together. Mental note: time runs away from you.
I enter now the final months of my 39th year. This feels significant; 40 is looming and I so want to feel full of positivity about it. All is I know I spent three hours in a hairdresser's chair yesterday getting my grey covered in what seemed like a ridiculously elaborate process! Hmmm. Then I went to Jack Wills to buy a shirt and felt, as a paid for it, that I ought to explain (apologise for?) the fact that it was for me rather than my daughter! I accept these are my own neuroses; I have developed them over time and I am sure they will pass. But in the spirit of honesty to you this is what goes through the mind of me.
It's Wednesday and that means circuit training so I am off for the endorphin fix and the hope that calm will descend on my house and quiet the parental worry/noise that seems to drown all else out right now. The sun is shining, it's a crisp day.
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painting by jessica cooper |