Ramblings of me...

Friends have started to text me saying...'no blog? what's going on?'. What can I say? I just got silly-busy this week with work and it has obliterated everything. House a mess, laundry not done, eclectic food for meals (making-do), any spare time spent trying to calm my mood and relax.

via crush cul de sac
The sun came out and it made everything seem a million times brighter and better. Life has been an uneasy range of emotions lately, high to low, and I have found myself yearning for a more even spectrum. We went to the beach and the tide was way out, where so much flat sand was exposed, wrinkled and shell-strewn, we walked and walked til we hit the sea. My son looked for sea glass for me - as he knows I love it so. And no matter how many times we visit the beach (once a week at least?) we still gather stones, shells, driftwood, and the real treasure: sea glass. I have a growing collection.

painting by kate mullin
I have so much swirling in my head right now that it is hard to find quiet and calm, but the beach tends to deliver it. I am conscious that sometimes in life there is no real end to the swirl of thoughts; it is what it is. I find my weeks are interspersed with my work in a way that feels unwieldy and awkward. The contrast between time 'on' and time 'off' is too stark. I hope that time will ease this transition for me.

Boo hurt her leg trying to defend her 100 metre sprint time at her new school and is now hobbling on crutches. I love that it mattered to her to run even though she already had an injury from last week's cross country. I love to see tenacity in her; she is conscientious and gets when it is time to step it up.  And having her around is a pleasure after school - she has the keenest sense of humour.

My son has lost another front tooth - totalling four so he has the gappiest, gummiest smile now and can't say 's'. Very cute, but I am wondering when those front teeth might make an appearance; it's been nearly a year...

...oh to have teeth...via crush cul de sac
I met with my friend Lucy for lunch; Lucy my university friend, my bridesmaid, the one who knew me when. The London girl who has moved to the country. Seeing her was like taking a dip in familiar water; restorative and reminiscent of something safe and simple in my past.

Like a woman possessed I am on a systematic shop-a-thon (Jcrew I love you) - one that indicates to me that I want to amass a fail-safe wardrobe to boost my confidence. I think back just a few short months where I declared that I had every item of clothing I could possibly need and see how short-lived that sentiment was. A new season and the prospect of not looking quite right was sufficient to propel me into the easy 'click, click' of internet purchases. My postman has come to know me too well.

via crush cul de sac
I had some lovely feedback about the oils this week and whilst I can only dream of the progress that could be made with that venture, I am forced to take stock and allow it to sell itself. And when it does I have happy customers and that makes me happy. Even in its raw state (without new branding yet) my products please and do the job.

I have had to retreat again into the solace of yoga to try to fight the pain that has returned in my jaw and teeth. A new and sympathetic dentist has been a big help as I search for second, third, fourth opinions. I must hold on to the fact that one day this will be gone.

I find myself thinking of far-flung places and wishing I was walking on a different beach, idly wondering what was happening at home.

So to conclude: I know I am behind, I know I am lagging. I sip rosé wine whilst my husband cooks a Saturday night meal for us and I am going to just be in the moment, being grateful and not think too much about next week or beyond. Have a good weekend :-)

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