Hello truth...

If anyone ever asks me about writing a blog and what to share, I always says that honesty provokes the biggest response from readers. I have observed this in my own blog for some time; the more I share, the more empathy is given in return. For a while I considered this as some kind of on-line voyeurism, that somehow people enjoyed the glimpse into the lives of others they don't know. There is a degree of this. However over time I have come to the conclusion that it's much more than that. Readers or followers (I've never liked that word; it has a stalker-esque quality to it) really do feel that they know the person who is blogging. This is a bizarre concept, but it is true. Of course some bloggers do manage to meet up in real life and I do count amongst my very good friends, those whom I have met through this modern medium.

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What is common is a self-consciousness of all bloggers that they should share too much. That their daily or weekly confessions will amount to a too-hefty dollop of reality that we all don't need to know about. But I find the opposite is true. I have read blogs where the searing truth of what is written has taken me aback. Where a raft of issues that face many of us are laid bare and where, in community spirit, comments are left of support and guidance. This network of support takes time to cultivate but when it's established, it has a priceless quality.

For me, here, I launched my business because of this blog. There is no way I would have done it otherwise. I may have made a few bottles of oils and sold them to good friends at the school drop off  but I would never have had a platform on which to launch anything wider. Now, as orders arrive from all over the world I have to catch myself and remember that the blog did this. It really is...quite awesome.

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I am lucky too that I have never had to deal with the affliction of trolls, who seems to frequent other mediums more than this one. I have read blogs where troll comments have left a sting long after they were written. Where that sting has coloured the blogger's whole approach to what they write until their skin hardens again and they think, sod it. I am me and I shall write what I like!

The truth with me at the moment: life is good. I am settled. Much less anxious. I spend way too much time cleaning up after my family and it baffles me that they don't help me more. I wonder where I went wrong in raising my children that they don't offer to help. Then I chide myself and remember that when you're eleven or seven, the cleanliness of the house really is not an issue for you.

I see now that I have spent years living with pain and very slowly I glimpse that there may be a way to manage it. I am not sure it will ever be gone completely. But it might, some days, be absent. This makes me REALLY happy.

I spend a disproportionate amount of time thinking about clothes. And whether I am too old now to chose clothes that ten years ago I would have adored but ironically could not have afforded. I have just this week bought three pots of nail varnish and a lipstick (Diva by Mac = vixen?) to cheer myself up; and I am not even sad! I worry a-l-h-o-t that the happiness I have captured in my life will last. I never want the bubble to pop.

I wonder about my parents - divorced - who are so different I find it hard to imagine they were ever married. I constantly fantasise about de-cluttering my house. My children - sometimes just looking at them makes my heart ache, as in a physical weightiness in my chest - such is the depth of love for them. And my husband, he can still floor me with a blue-eyed smile.

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Hello truth... Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown