If anyone ever asks me about writing a blog and what to share, I always says that honesty provokes the biggest response from readers. I have observed this in my own blog for some time; the more I share, the more empathy is given in return. For a while I considered this as some kind of on-line voyeurism, that somehow people enjoyed the glimpse into the lives of others they don't know. There is a degree of this. However over time I have come to the conclusion that it's much more than that. Readers or followers (I've never liked that word; it has a stalker-esque quality to it) really do feel that they know the person who is blogging. This is a bizarre concept, but it is true. Of course some bloggers do manage to meet up in real life and I do count amongst my very good friends, those whom I have met through this modern medium.
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For me, here, I launched my business because of this blog. There is no way I would have done it otherwise. I may have made a few bottles of oils and sold them to good friends at the school drop off but I would never have had a platform on which to launch anything wider. Now, as orders arrive from all over the world I have to catch myself and remember that the blog did this. It really is...quite awesome.
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The truth with me at the moment: life is good. I am settled. Much less anxious. I spend way too much time cleaning up after my family and it baffles me that they don't help me more. I wonder where I went wrong in raising my children that they don't offer to help. Then I chide myself and remember that when you're eleven or seven, the cleanliness of the house really is not an issue for you.
I see now that I have spent years living with pain and very slowly I glimpse that there may be a way to manage it. I am not sure it will ever be gone completely. But it might, some days, be absent. This makes me REALLY happy.
I spend a disproportionate amount of time thinking about clothes. And whether I am too old now to chose clothes that ten years ago I would have adored but ironically could not have afforded. I have just this week bought three pots of nail varnish and a lipstick (Diva by Mac = vixen?) to cheer myself up; and I am not even sad! I worry a-l-h-o-t that the happiness I have captured in my life will last. I never want the bubble to pop.
I wonder about my parents - divorced - who are so different I find it hard to imagine they were ever married. I constantly fantasise about de-cluttering my house. My children - sometimes just looking at them makes my heart ache, as in a physical weightiness in my chest - such is the depth of love for them. And my husband, he can still floor me with a blue-eyed smile.
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