Grateful for...

As a cosmic counter-balance to yesterday's outpouring, this is what I find myself grateful for today:

That there is a writer such as Judy Blume, whose books I devoured as an eleven year old, whose books I now give to my eleven year old to read. A girl's rite of passage.

That tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it.

That at the end of every day, my little family all come home.

That I have health. Whilst I may not always have comfort, I have health.

That boys will be boys; as consistent as the tide.

That there is coffee.

photograph by natasha

That there are memories. I had lots of old photos scanned for my Mum's forthcoming 70th birthday; this is her! How cool is she?!

That when I wake and look to my side in the mornings, he is there, he still rocks my world after twenty years.

via better than fine
That I can now cook a repertoire of winter meals; pies, crumbles and bakes.

That there is such a thing as letterpress. Paper loveliness that can make my heart flutter and the fact that I can utilise it for L'Apothecary designs :-)

That some people still dress to look sharp.

It's my husband's birthday tomorrow, we are having dinner with our best friends so I am looking forward to a night of laughter and good food. Thank you so much for your comments to my last post - as ever, wisdom pours out of blog readers.

Have a delicious weekend!

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