
Whilst with good friends on Friday night, the topic of social media came up, as it often does. It seems that there are two distinct camps; those who 'get' social media and those who don't. Those who do are willing to embrace the many choices: from facebook to tumblr, twitter to pinterest. Those who don't are adopting a Luddite* pose and staunchly refuse to accept that there is any value in the world to these pursuits. My husband (whom we have established from the last post does rock my world) occasionally gets boastful of my blog and blurts out its existence. Now, I mentioned that we were with good friends; as in established, trusted, go-on-holiday-with-each-other friends. Yet I was mortified he had made my secret blog known. The conversation passed off and of course, I probably made more of it than they did. 'What? Your write a blog? What for?! Where is it?' followed by lots of mumbling on my part.

via crush cul de sac
It leaves me though with the disquiet that I have been found out. This self-imposed secrecy is curious. Why would I be so hesitant for friends to know what I write about? Especially the friends that I probably see most of; the school mums. This group, who have become quite crucial in my day to day life, who have welcomed me in, in my time of need. Yet I keep this from them. I conclude that it must be my own fear of judgement that stops me sharing what I do. And the most curious thing is that I am happy to share my innermost thoughts with complete strangers on the web, but would not with people I see every day. How very odd. I spent all weekend trying to work out why I feel the way I do and can find no sensible reason for any of it!

I shall give it some more that is what I like to do.

I have the urge to spring clean at the moment, as the first trappings of a new season start to show themselves. Carpets of snowdrops and early bulbs poking through. I read once that planting bulbs is like having money in the bank and I always liked that analogy.

via secret day dream
Everything has taken on a slower pace, given that exams are over and work is a secondary thought. Our home has become our family cave and we spent the weekend pottering, leaving only to walk the pup.

Meanwhile my lovely sister in law thinks that I should give it all up and start an apothecary. 'Lou's Apothecary'. This is because I am making my own soap powder (I have now started using Geranium oil in it and it smells DIVINE). I also started making my own facial oil out of Rosehip oil, mixed with other oils, like Ylang-ylang (I promise I am not a closet bohemian, or am I?) Maybe this is my future calling?!

I guess the point of this ramble is that everyone has their bag of tricks; mine contains a secret blog and a propensity to make my own smelly stuff and store it in pretty glass jars on my larder shelf. Each to their own...

via this etsy shop...infusion

* how rarely does one get to use the word 'Luddite' - see, I did learn something in A-level history!

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