Here's to a second chance at summer; the weather this week has been glorious. Sunny, warm and like the much-talked-about-but-rarely-experienced 'Indian Summer' that we always get promised here in England. Having prepared for winter cool, I instead find myself digging out flipflops and linen skirts for this little spell of warm weather.
More puppy days have ensued - beach and field walks with him trotting along behind me like the new friend that he is. He is a pleasure...I recommend 'Dog Island'; it's good fun.
I am finding the days merge; punctuated by school runs and dog walks. It's an utterly suburban life and whilst I am revelling in every moment, I get pangs occasionally of wanting the high life. To be out in the city with friends. Wearing heels. I usually get this feeling at this time of year and have come to expect it; it leads to plans for nights out to satiate this need to socialise after dark! The feeling that makes you want to put on a dress and head out. Somewhere glitzy. Hmmm, will have to work on that...