I am having one of those productive days; spurred on by a few terse words between myself and my beloved this morning about the uselessness of our house filing system. I loathe filing. Paperwork and admin are my worst, worst activities. So I shove everything in a drawer and hope for the best until one of those days arrive where something has to be located. Rapid leafing through pile after pile of un-filed paper ensues, until defeat is admitted or the key item is triumphantly discovered! I wish I were more organised...
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via tick tock vintage |
How can it be May already? I feel like April went by in a whirlwind of Spring days; it really was a fabulous month. Now May means Boo's birthday - she will be a whole decade old. Impossible. My Boo? Surely not; I remember when she looked something like this...
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via a lady's findings...washing eggs to be sold at the farmers market, near Falls Creek, Pennsylvania, 1940, Jack Delano. |
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photograph from Canelle et Vanille - this food blog is just beautiful... |
I am just trying to get on top of everything again, trying to be a better me.
Oh and before I forget - here is what I think:
It's gotta be Prince William.
Ballet - all the way.
Bikini - for as long as I can.
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge (let's call her Kate as we are between friends...)
Could not live without tea. Chocolate a close second...
Really really want to be plan in advance, but something always ends up last minute (I wish I were more organised!)
Skinny jeans.
Go it alone on holiday planning - did an all inclusive once; probably not again!
Worrier, Worrier, WORRIER!
Light and floral on the perfume front - I wear Diptyque.
'When Harry Met Sally' - all time classic.
Botox - currently no. Think I will stick on that point.
I love getting into summer clothes - we are so deprived on the weather front...sun = instant wardrobe high.
Marilyn Monroe.
First thought...universally it seems we all agree on this: is it morning already?!