My weekend...

The best thing to do when feeling 'grr' on a Friday night is to go out for curry. This family tradition has been with us for years; the defining end of the week treat. Curry is that institution that all Brits seem to hold dear; the local curry house, antiquated with decor from thirty years ago. I am not sure you will be able to picture the scene unless you've witnessed the British reality but here goes: dark, velvet clad booths, patterned plates, paper napkin origami. Rice and curry, bhajis and side orders like 'Sag Aloo'. Faint whiff of coriander. Dishes everywhere filled with sulphur turmeric-infused delights. Our local curry house has provided us with Friday-night-curry for more years than I care to remember. What did I say about being steeped in the past?! And best of all, the kids love it too. It did the trick, the 'grr' lifted and we re-set the happy balance.

via pretty stuff
Saturday, saw a house de-clutter epiphany for me - a combination of over-flowing cupboards and drawers in my house and a stern discussion (= row) with my husband about why clutter bothers me so much sent me off with resolution. I spent the day clearing out, getting rid, making those choices of 'if you haven't used it for a year, you never will'. Plus rather cathartically for me I finally choose to part with most of the baby/toddler stuff still hanging around; rogue baby bottles, bibs, just-in-case plastic bowls, dried up old play dough...all those items that I have realised my children have grown out of. I am almost ashamed to admit, it felt so good! this...dream of cupboards like this...
Sunday, Boo and I went to the Marina and I ran while she rode her scooter alongside me. One of those moments where I appreciate how much I can do now that my children are a bit older. I know the childhood moments are fleeting and soon they will be all grown up and will be nest-flying. But for now it feels wonderful that we have this gift of an opportunity to spend time doing cool stuff. As she scooted, she read out the names of the boats we passed... 'Lucy Louise', 'The Dreamer' 'Nantucket', 'Time Flies' prophetic those boat names seem...

My weekend... Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown