Absence of resolution...

I feel I should definitely have some new year commentary about how I welcomed in 2011 and how I have plans and resolutions galore. Yet it's not forthcoming. For the record, we welcomed the new year in with the best of our friends; infact we barely stopped our dinner conversation to pause for the turn of the clock hand, as we were having such a wonderful time. You know when friends just make you feel happy and comfortable? It was like that...

New years day was spent at the beach hut, having bacon butties and cups of tea. Couldn't be better. Then an afternoon watching 'The Blind Side'; nothing like that film to get motivated...

...Sandra Bullock...
But now - hmmmm no resolutions are jumping out at me. I don't feel compelled to do something different. What does this mean? Surely there are a million things I could do better? Surely there is a requirement to identify something that I do too much of and to stop it? Shopping - uh-huh, chocolate - uh-huh, wine - uh-huh. I just don't really feel the need to deprive myself. Eh??

So I am thinking this: give it some time, something will come into focus. I will devise a plan. In the meantime, I will just observe, consider, ponder and try to gather up and bottle this sentiment...

via it's mary ruffle

Absence of resolution... Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown