Boo's beach hut fun...

We were having a belated birthday party for Boo - she was nine in May (yep, May) but we had decided to wait for more guaranteed good weather and have a proper summer party, so yesterday at the beach hut, that's what we did.

Eight girls. One little brother with high hopes of inclusion. My husband and I. 'Cook-out' provisions. Sweeties as prizes for the sandcastle competition. Hot dogs and burgers. Vanilla-iced cake. Lots of sea air. Tired children by the end...

Beach hut bunting...

Sandcastle making...

Wave jumping...

Seagulls overhead...

At the end of the afternoon when things had emptied out...

Boo and I and the clean-up operation!

Boo's beach hut fun... Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown