Busy bee...

In recent months, one could say I have taken on too much. Work-wise I've taken responsibility for things that really aren't my remit, I've accepted too many school-related additions, I blog pretty much every day (which I love, by the way). Trying to cram in extra things, a few weekends away, nights out, days too. Grasping life and saying 'yes' to everything that comes our way. However there seems to be a price. On the one hand, we must live life. Make the most and best of things. Never turn down an invite, always invite people back. Stop caring if the house is a tip. Create the fantastic menu. Make the effort. As it's always worth it.

I have to say to myself 'get a grip Louise; see friends, live your life!' And I do. But sometimes the cracks start to show. Things get overcomplicated. Things get missed along the way. At the moment my brain is so full of 'to dos' that I simply forget stuff.

Prime example yesterday: I told my friend I could not pop round for coffee as I was awaiting a delivery. Half an hour passed, I decided I would pop round for a coffee. I get there and start complaining that my phone is ringing off the hook on my non-working day. I miss three or four calls. We agreed I should cut myself some slack. She eventually picks my phone up and pretends to be my secretary. It's the delivery driver; he's waiting outside my house! Arrrghhhh, I hot-foot it home wondering how my kids ever get collected from school on time with my sieve-like brain...

Life can be so full and lovely. I wish there was a way to fit everything in...

via are so happy

Busy bee... Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown