Ballet days again...

Today Boo has a ballet recital...well, what this really means is that the Mummies go to school to watch their girls do a show of what they have learned this year in ballet. Of course attendance is optional for the Mummies; but of course all Mummies attend. For me, today is a working day, I am lucky I have a lot of flexibility in my job and can schedule it so I work from home (nice cuppa tea?) and then nip to school at the right moment so i) Boo sees me, ii) I get the full rendition of the show and iii) it's noted by other other Mummies that even the working Mummy amongst them has turned up. I am amongst the few working Mothers at my children's school; there are a few dotted about, mainly those who run their own businesses and have that charging entrepreneurial spirit that actually suggests it's 'setting the world on fire' with their product or service rather than 'working as a corporate slave' like me.

The one thing that I feel really, really strongly about is that my kids should not be the kids who are  'unrepresented' at school events. Be it assemblies or shows or sports, I just feel that I should be there. I want to be there, but more than that, the feeling they get from seeing me there is priceless. They have never said whether it matters or not...but I know, when they say 'will you come Mummy?' that the only possible answer is 'yes, of course'.

But it does mean there is a bit of jiggery-pokery from a work perspective and so time needed to make up tonight when the house is quiet again.

The truth is, I would not miss a ballet recital for the world, as I think little girls learning ballet is one of life's beautiful things, always to be applauded! And on that note, how incredible is this image? Ballet-beauty personified...

Ballet days again... Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown